How to Properly Clean Your Roof


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A roof is an essential part of your home’s aesthetic and resale value. However, it also can deteriorate due to a variety of factors. This is why it’s important to clean your roof regularly, so that it looks like new.

Dirt and other debris can collect on your roof, leading to the growth of moss and algae. If left untreated, moss and algae will collect moisture on your roof, which can cause serious damage. This can lead to a void in your roof’s warranty or your homeowner’s insurance, making it even more important to clean your roof.

See page for more details about chilliwack roof cleaning. Another problem that can make your roof dirty is mold and mildew. These conditions can ruin the look of your roof and your yard, and they can also cause health problems if exposed to high levels of moisture for too long.

If you notice that your roof is starting to get moldy or mildewed, the best way to clean it is to use a bleach solution. This can work wonders for killing off the mildew, but you need to mix it with a detergent or other cleansing agent before using it.

The first step in the process is to remove all the dirt and other debris from your roof. This will make it easier for you to clean the surface without damaging it.

You can do this by using a leaf blower or brush to blow off the debris. This can help to prevent it from clogging up your gutters and causing other problems with your roof.

After you’ve cleared away the debris, you can now use a garden hose or other sprayer to spray down any areas that have moss or algae. If you find stubborn spots, try scrubbing them with a soft-bristled brush.

Chlorine Bleach

The ARMA (American Roof Manufacturers Association) recommends a ratio of one-to-one water to chlorine bleach to get rid of moss and algae on your roof. Unlike other types of cleaning agents, bleach will kill all the spores and leave your roof looking brand new.

It’s important to use bleach-based cleaning products sparingly because they can irritate your eyes and respiratory system and can even corrode the metal flashing, valleys, and gutters on your roof. It’s also a good idea to cover your landscaping so that the chemicals don’t spill onto it.

Some contractors use bleach-based cleaning agents when they do roof cleanings, but not all of them do. Be sure to ask if they’re using this product before hiring them to do the work for you.

Depending on where you live, bleach-based cleaning products may not be legal to use around your house. Check with your local environmental law department for more information.

If your shingles are in bad condition and you think that they could be affected by the harsh chemicals used in this type of roof cleaning, consider having them replaced. This will save you money in the long run as well as avoid any unnecessary wear and tear on your shingles. Check out this post for more details related to this article: